With most of the American-taxpayer money for rebuilding set to run out this year, that debate has become sharper.
Even the odors he smelled shifted at times, becoming sharper, more pungent.
As they watched it, transfixed, the light became stronger and sharper, spread a hot orange glow through the trees.
So digital pictures have become sharper, camera prices lower and besides, the images can be e-mailed or printed, all without film.
The turn in the road was becoming sharper.
The effect was immediate: the outline of the cones became clearer and sharper.
He was getting lower now and the hisses became sharper and clearer.
His thoroughness, creativity and ability to surprise, no matter the style or subject, become sharper each season.
"Then know this," she said, the edge in her voice becoming even sharper.
As the competition comes down to the last few months, the criticisms have become sharper.