As the connections to the world around you were slowly severed you found yourself becoming more self-reliant.
In 1969, some Duck Lake Dene began discussing the possibility of becoming self-reliant and returning to the ancestral life-style.
As mentioned above, the climate of Siberia is none too accommodating of agriculture, but Siberia during this time was in fact slowly becoming self-reliant.
Maybe if his heart hadn't had that murmur, if he'd been in the army, he might have become more self-reliant.
Empowerment of Farmers/ Fisherfolk - helping farmers/fisherfolk become more self-reliant in meeting their needs for vital agricultural inputs.
Companies have begun to understand the advantage of employees making informed decisions and becoming financially self-reliant, he added.
Conservative groups that believe government should not be in the business of supporting the arts to begin with are pleased to see museums and other organizations becoming more self-reliant.
But you must also find ways of working alone and becoming more self-reliant.
Increasingly though, the company became more self-reliant and, by the beginning of the 20th century, virtually all new engines were produced at Stoke works.
The individual would only be ready for democracy when they had become completely independent and self-reliant.