If cash flow is uncertain and profits are low or nonexistent, payments on the debt become more onerous.
The House of Lords held that although the performance of the contract had become more onerous it was not frustrated.
But manufacturers say that the demands have become increasingly onerous, and differ from store to store.
As the yen has gained strength, payments of interest and principal have become more onerous in terms of the local currency.
The other gnomes found their special attributes becoming more and more onerous.
But given the roaring bull market of recent years, the task has become onerous, and that has made a hard job even harder for short-sellers.
But the association's president, Joseph P. Brennan, told an industry meeting recently that health benefits had become far too onerous for association members.
In the last year, the workload has become more onerous.
Lord Reid explained the distinction between a contract becoming more onerous, and being of a different kind:
The refugees agreed that punishments for crossing the border had generally become less onerous, even though the police response is unpredictable.