Want to win a prize while becoming more knowledgeable about the quality of care provided by local hospitals?
Parents have become more knowledgeable about health issues, which is a positive development, he said, but some have a "consumerist attitude" toward doctors.
In a city where who knew what was all that mattered, he was becoming very knowledgeable indeed.
Consumers are becoming more and more knowledgeable about food safety and their health.
Since there are risks involved with investing, become knowledgeable yourself and possibly seeking out advice from a professional.
Asked about that, Professor Hill said she thought people were becoming more knowledgeable and sensitive to the issue of sexual harassment.
But, she added, "Audiences are becoming more knowledgeable."
Her father had a big library, so she studied a number of books and became knowledgeable.
Students attending the school are becoming more knowledgeable and trust worthy.
Becoming knowledgeable about their religion is also new for some of the teachers.