But over time he had become irritable and often cursed at her.
After a week of this he was becoming irritable from sheer boredom.
They tried to deny what was happening, but found it harder to get to sleep, had less energy the next day, and were becoming irritable.
Over this period he became irritable and developed an "explosive" temper.
He became irritable and thought, I can't be loving and intimate all the time!
For some, the first signal may be a headache, becoming irritable, or feeling low.
Sir William had become depressed and irritable, as if some trouble was weighing on his mind.
But the colonel was angry with her interference; for, an impetuous man always, he had become irritable of late.
She was becoming irritable, refusing to eat, complaining of pains in her side.
This can result in a deaf person becoming generally irritable.