During that time, the lifeboats manned by loyal personnel had become inoperable, as had all communication equipment aboard them.
As a result of this shaft becoming inoperable, miners were brought up using the production shaft, after changing out the skips for a cage.
In accordance with instructions in every owner's manual, a driver must turn the air-conditioner off to keep the car from overheating and becoming inoperable.
So far Tiff had been unable to locate any planets, since some of his most important navigation instruments, especially the long distance rangefinder, had become inoperable.
As they had expected, the locking mechanism had indeed become inoperable.
Julius Caesar realised that the system had become inoperable, so he effected drastic changes in the year of his third consulship.
Rose Cipollone died on October 24, 1984, after her lung cancer had spread and become inoperable.
The officers chased the car for more than a mile before it struck the curb and became inoperable.
Unfortunately, however, some of them had become sites for cancerous growths and they had become inoperable.
The wood warped, and became inoperable some time in the late 1960s.