There became several accomplished mushers in the area whose livelihood became their dog teams.
Another primate, the gray-cheeked mangabey, seems to have recently become extinct in the area.
The tradition has remained strong for more than a century becoming the highlight of the year for many towns and villages in the area.
Salinity and erosion are also becoming an issue in the area, due to the rising of the water table in the area.
The "Maayilyans" became either daily wage workers in the area or survived on making and selling artifacts out of bamboo.
On June 27, 2010, the station began airing local newscasts in high definition becoming the first in the area to do so.
As a result, this station became first in the area to offer local news in the time slot.
But today it seems well on its way to becoming a partnership of all 10 nations in the area.
The farming became to the notable in the area of Ioannis Papadiamantopoulos.
Following that, the town flourished, becoming the center for trade and plantation life in the area.