Pigeon racing is becoming increasingly popular in parts of Asia, especially China, Pakistan, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan and Bangladesh.
There was no famine, yet mass unemployment became a problem in several parts of the UK.
The Bengal slow loris may be restricted to a few isolated populations and is in serious threat of becoming locally extinct in parts of Assam and Meghalaya.
These pumps, with the large black hoses, are becoming familiar sights in various parts of the country.
Today, his first full day in Hungary, showed how popular he had become in parts of this nation of 10 million.
Suckering of the root, together with its abundant seed production, has led to it becoming an invasive species over much of western Europe and in parts of New Zealand.
This new company sold some properties at Covent Garden, while becoming active in property investment in other parts of London.
Trapping for the cagebird industry has led to them becoming rare in parts of Indonesia but in most parts of its range it is common.
Vq 1 begins as a copy of LQ 2, but very soon diverges, and with the introduction of much new matter becomes in several parts entirely distinct.
It would soon become so in parts of the northwest region of Xinjiang where long-suppressed grievances of the Uighur Muslim majority have begun to break out.