At 28, he is in his prime and on the verge of becoming a free agent for the first time.
By 1973 the system showed a crossover and the environmental became, for the first time, a more important preoccupation than civil rights.
This is one of my favorite songs about young love and becoming parents for the first time.
This was because they became popular there for the first time.
Moving to Moscow in 1927, he became, for the first time, a professional writer.
She became for the time entirely one of the company, walking about, addressing each person present, and taking delight in the children.
Last week, the mosque became, not for the first time, a symbol of terror.
He turned toward Ilna as if becoming aware of her for the first time.
After these events, Poland became, for the first time, a real country.
After the season, he became a free agent himself for the first time in his career.