The band watched Brazil, the 1985 science fiction film by Terry Gilliam, a few months later, and became further enamoured of the name.
While working for the Deutsche Bank, he was becoming increasingly enamoured with photography, and, in 1907, jettisoned his commercial career and opened a portrait studio.
There he became enamoured with French cinema which led him away from Russian grammar and towards a career in the film industry.
"Me, I am convinced it is the truth," said M. Bouc, becoming more and more enamoured of his theory.
One day Orion saw them and became enamoured and pursued them.
When the father buys a beautiful horse for three times its work value, Albert becomes enamoured with it and trains it, naming it Joey.
She thought her brother and his friends were more than likely smoking marijuana, a substance with which her brother had lately become enamoured.
Really, she was becoming positively enamoured of it!
All the men in the party become enamoured with Alice.
Here, he read voraciously, becoming enamoured with Chernyshevsky's novel What is to be Done?