In urban California, traffic has become increasingly congested, putting a limit on how far away from their jobs people can live.
With the explosion of cellular phone use and Internet multi-media services, wireless networks are becoming increasingly congested.
He warned that roads were in serious danger of becoming so congested that the economy would suffer.
Motorists began complaining early in 2004 that the road had already become congested, less than 4 years after opening.
Traffic around the area has become very congested, and it can be almost impossible to find a place to park.
But roads in particular were in serious danger of becoming so congested, the economy would suffer.
Our ancient streets are becoming very congested these days.
Once one road or bridge became congested or went out of service, the others seemed to follow right behind them.
But with no major improvements in 40 years, it has become worn and congested.
The neuroglis become congested or maintain loss during a cerebrovascular accident.