A Different Memory Tara Nelson's memory of Sept. 11 has become cloudy.
The other flask, however, trapped germs in its curved neck,- preventing them from reaching the broth, which never changed color or became cloudy.
Earhart radios to Itasca that the sky has become cloudy and overcast.
Stocks cooked at more than a slow simmer become cloudy and greasy.
If the water has become cloudy or has a skim of material on its surface, do not drink it.
"An eternity," muttered Syd, her eyes becoming cloudy.
They were becoming cloudy, it seemed to me.
Such problems generally occur in late summer as the fry grow, and can be identified by the fish gasping and the water becoming cloudy.
It is tolerant of most water conditions, although very hard water may result in the fish's eyes becoming cloudy.
His vision through this eyehole had darkened; the formerly bright moonlight had become cloudy.