He had returned home and resumed his work, and over the months the pain had become bearable.
One hour later he had the central air-conditioning going full blast throughout the large house, and the stuffy air, unchanged for nearly two weeks, was becoming bearable again.
Cue for sycophantic laughter... As Quelf's nominee for Jingfired status, Albumarak was bound to dance permanent attendance on her, but the duty was becoming less and less bearable.
The pain receded and became bearable.
Slowly, the demanding influx ebbed, becoming almost bearable.
Immediately, the roaring became bearable once; more.
Strangely, life was becoming almost bearable.
My shed has become somewhat more bearable, but the clutter and confinement of the interior space requires that I leave the door open.
As life in the camps becomes even vaguely more bearable, with a little more food and water, the incentive to go home to what many refugees believe is certain death drops.
Skid was becoming more bearable every day.