His work has become amongst the highest selling in auctions.
During this period he continued associating with other writers, trading ideas and later becoming a leader amongst them.
It has become popular amongst the public in general, rather than staying isolated as an occupational hat.
His school became in process of time, amongst other things, a sort of theological seminary.
We were seeing how it was becoming more dangerous, violent, with the growing presence of guns amongst kids.
He has since became somewhat of a hate figure amongst Leeds fans.
Lucas Microphones have since become amongst the top high end recording devices in the audio world.
Through most of the 20th Century, however, that became a much-debated (and unresolved) topic amongst the scientific community.
During the twentieth century, the various codes of football became amongst the most popular team sports in the world.
Investing in industry, some of these families have become amongst the richest in India.