Because the symmetric group on n elements has size n!
The margin of error when comparing the two polls is plus or minus seven percentage points, because the group of respondents is small.
The members of the Hairy Who explained that they were so named because "the name and the group sprung fully grown, or in this case, fully hairy."
This may be because the group 'averages' its answers, which eliminates extreme positions.
Falling by the wayside is Progressive Environmental, a sector fund that "has been heavily hammered because the group itself is out of favor," he said.
It was not all fun, he said, "because one of the hardest things for me is to tell them who made the Pro Bowl because the whole group has played well."
Because the group as a whole is still healthy.
Because basically what Freud was saying was, the group we create semi-unconscious, the, the family.
The meeting ends without any constructive result when Gisele bursts out into tears because the group surrounding Aline is calling her a liar.
The marketers command attention because the group identified as the demographic ideal - young, upscale, very often male, with disposable income - is the element significantly absent from classical audiences.