Schools used to close in the summer because many teachers as well as students went back to the farms to plant for the fall harvest.
But we think of the value we add, because sometimes students come here when no other place would take them.
This is helpful because students attending this school travel from around the entire city.
There was an indirect effect on performance because students viewed themselves as more competent, but no direct impact on actual achievement.
Although optimal level of stress is considered good because medical students develop coping abilities.
One woman who lived near the school was upset because students trampled on her flowers walking to and from school.
Two scenes were cut from "In Between" because students were not paying attention.
District administrators favored the move because students come from across the school district, and the central location would make transportation easier.
The numbers are alarming because students who enter special education rarely graduate from high school.
Currently, our local secondary had to introduce puzzle class precisely because students can't think outside the box.