"Just as I had to put my faith in the preschool administrator because my son was too young to tell me what happened at school."
It is believed that he died soon after because his son Đorđe is mentioned as king in 1208.
You said that he inherited the estate because the Countess's son and his children were all dead.
Carl's father was still on the bench, and still holding a grudge because his son did not return to practice law in the family firm.
Washen felt offended, but not because her son spoke fondly of that time.
Keeping it hasn't been easy, especially because her younger son has been acting up in school.
That he was a dead-beat and they couldn't trust him in the drugs game, because his son was inside.
Senior because his son became a regular in the Hambledon team of the 1770s.
Because your son says all the time that you are an astronaut.
"Because my son, Kyle, mentioned that he had seen similar marks on your stomach."