The marriage was never consummated because of their youth and Robert's sickly health.
He was interned but released temporarily because of his youth.
If he is found guilty, he can be given a lighter sentence because of his youth at the time of the crime.
That people would buy a book simply because of the author's youth is, these days, certainly no wonder.
Molla Fenari was, apparently, in the second class because of his youth.
Sing also had difficulty because of her youth and inexperience in the ring.
Barry was hanged for murder on November 1, despite a campaign for leniency because of his youth.
Students are drawn to him because of his youth and good looks.
June 14, 1862 Geneva, because of her youth, didn't get as sleepy as the others.
Raj was doing better than I and it wasn't only because of his youth.