The monastery, because of its wealth and importance, was plundered several times in the 13th century.
Jesus condemns the teachers of the law because of their wealth, fancy clothes, and importance.
The Hall and Oates original seemed like a love song about a girl who didn't take the narrator seriously because of her family's wealth.
If this were China they would have been killed or jailed under Mao's regime simply because of their wealth.
Britain was an attractive target for Rome because of its wealth - particularly mines and slaves.
Elizabeth herself had never felt safer in her life, and it wasn't entirely because of Argyll's wealth and power.
She was murdered because of her supposed wealth.
Lady Ongar, because of her considerable wealth, is pursued by others.
They were able to do this because of their wealth and substantial capital.
Because of her inherited wealth, she never had to apply for any grants or funding.