Would Serena respect him now because of his newfound understanding?
More than in the earlier book, however, it is because of Metternich's understanding of factors other than power.
She is leaning toward the Republican running for Congress because of the candidate's understanding of housing issues that effect older Americans.
She was revered by the Hopi because of her understanding of their lives and ambitions.
She finally consented to share his furs again, largely because of his understanding, but held back her commitment to a more permanent relationship.
He's someone that I think one day could be a coach because of his understanding of what's going on.
That I avoided such a course of action is because of my own understanding of what the institution would allow before it swung into action.
On the Nets' best days, the offense works because of the players' understanding for each other.
Traditional teaching is relative rather than fixed because of our greater understanding of the limits imposed by culture.
But because of his wisdom and his understanding of what theater is, he allowed me to see it differently.