Students refer to Cronin as the "boss" because of his ideological fervor, home-town sensibilities and his service to teaching.
He said that the commission took aim at him because of his long service to the Republicans.
Jackson was chosen to represent Springtime Tallahassee because of his service to Florida as the first provisional governor in 1821.
Hackett also told The Enquirer he was the best candidate because of his service in Iraq.
Her father moved the family frequently because of his service in the Air Force.
It gained its name during the war because of its service towing military gliders.
However, these and other support personnel may qualify for certain tax deadline extensions because of their service in a combat zone.
Some are cast by people away from their homes because of their service in the military.
She went to the Navy to get the money due to her because of her service and wounds and finally found a sympathetic magistrate.
She will provide you with a prosthetic free of charge, because of your service to Science.