I chose York as the base for my series character because of its varied importance in the period.
Both candidates deny that they feel any pressure because of the race's importance in the larger campaign for control of the Senate.
Governments have chosen to keep certain companies/industries under public control because of their strategic importance or sensitive nature.
Despite this, or perhaps because of its negligible economic importance, the Spanish took a long time to build up the island's defenses.
The main reason for setting 100 km/h on these roads is because of their high importance to the region.
I have set it out at length because of its importance in our story.
Serbs say that they cannot make concessions in Kosovo because of its historical importance to them.
In it the company countered the government's assertion, made on Tuesday, that the case must be heard quickly because of its importance.
Often they study the end-of-chapter problems because of their importance in the learning process.
Arakawa also wanted Winry to appear earlier because of her importance.