People started to call him "Gareng" because of his height at about 169 cm.
Private Sharpe had always stood out, not just because of his height, but because he was by far the quickest-wilted man in the company.
She never progressed to leading roles in important pictures because of her height, which made her difficult to cast.
Perhaps that was what had happened at school; they had been thrown together because of their height.
In the lead, Hunter, because of his height, found the going slow as he worked his way through the tree branches.
She scanned the ballroom, finding him easily because of his height.
While it appears similar to an M3 scout car it would seem it is not, because of its height, and overall look.
He has the nickname "Half Moon" because of his small height.
He was chosen because of his small height caused by Morquio syndrome.
Like most other waterfalls in Sikkim this one does not have a local name and has been named thus because of its immense height.