The cowardly Scotsman is memorable only because of his hatred for his English rival.
Zelkin's former alliance with Bilstein was formed because of his hatred for humans, due to their past prejudice against his people.
You have arrested this man because of your hatred for me.
That he was using her, intent on destroying her because of his poisonous hatred for all Saxon women.
She had told loyal-dead Stallan that this was because of their hatred of the ustuzou.
Zenjora will kill them because of his hatred for my grandfather.
She had a strained relationship with her husband, the future king of France, mainly because of Louis' hatred of his father.
In at least two episodes, he was called a sergeant by Major Burns because of his hatred of enlisted staff.
This is because of his hatred for raising taxes.
It was largely because of his hatred of government that he had fled the world, and here was the government at his very door.