These different roles led to Thomas being called a utility player for Collingwood, because of his flexibility to play all around the ground.
Commonly Nickel-Titanium files are used because of their greater flexibility which permits increasingly curved roots to be treated.
The trade unions fear that wage demands may have to be lowered because of the refugees' greater flexibility and readiness to work for less money.
Djokovic is rarely aced because of his flexibility, length and balance.
For example, DNS, because of its flexibility, could be used for distributing public keys.
It stated Ramey was chosen because of her flexibility and her ability to interview celebrities and political figures.
Mr. McCready said that the hand-held scanner appears to be growing in popularity because of its flexibility, greater efficiency and lower cost.
It is highly preferable for post-production, exhibition, and archival purposes because of its flexibility, strength, and stability.
Products made of leather are often used in bondage because of their flexibility and resistance to tearing.
Now he is planning do a masters degree and may work through the OU again because of its flexibility.