Many began to live largely clandestine lives only because of their choice to use certain substances, and their fear of retribution from their own governments.
If we stop now, then hundreds, maybe thousands of squales could die because of our choice to stop.
At the time I thought it was because of my choice of words.
That you may be embarrassed in some measure because of your choice of mate.
Asimos was a very special case of a counter-culture artist, mostly because of his choice of lifestyle.
Tonight he will learn if he ultimately will have the last laugh, because of his choice of one so young.
Only 60 (out of 90 who requested it) of those 30,978 died because of their choice to participate in physician-assisted suicide.
The prisoners held in Guantánamo are without rights because of their choice to fight without any government's protection.
Because of her brother's choice to name Isabella as his successor, when she ascended to the throne in 1474, there were already several plots against her.
He would never admit it to his henchmen but he did favor Subredil some because of her poor choice of a father.