Were I to praise Love in a hundred thousand languages, Love's beauty far surpasses such stammerings.
Their beauty and greatness surpass everything that could be seen in an exhibition on architecture in previous years, even Brussels.
But Sianna-however great the beauty of the God, that of the Goddess surpassed it.
"But turned away from a woman whose beauty and wit surpass those of any woman here," he countered, his smile slow and sensual.
The life of Madame Curie has been written by her daughter with a charm and beauty never surpassed.
Knowing that Esmeralda's beauty far surpasses their own, the aristocrats make fun of her clothes instead.
"Truth, innocence and beauty in Son's songs surpassed all hostility," the newspaper said.
But hers would be more than simply a stunning natural beauty, for her inner heart of love and kindness would surpass her mere physical appearance.
There Buddha saw her approaching and created an exceptionally beautiful maiden by his side, whose beauty surpassed her own.
She is described to be a sweet and pretty woman whose beauty surpasses that of a flower blooming in spring.