While that is still a pittance compared with the $10 billion in retail sales of all skin care products last year, beauty companies smell opportunity.
A decade ago, few fashion and beauty companies made much effort to align themselves with social activism.
There are reasons that beauty companies might seek an alliance with a medical institution or with doctors.
I also think that it's this type of debate and full information on the facts that make us demand better products from the beauty companies.
Other multinational beauty companies are making similar moves.
The sons assumed control of the beauty company at Rimmel's death in 1887.
Now a handful of beauty companies are getting personal too, with custom makeup, skin care products and fragrances.
It is the fifth-largest beauty company and second largest direct selling enterprise in the world, with 6.4 million representatives.
For most fashion and beauty companies on the Web, the point seems to be to stake out turf and not much more.
This is part of the reason why beauty companies and experts recommend using a separate eye cream.