But as it turned out, the enthusiasm that bubbled up among the participants had translated beautifully.
All these skills have translated beautifully now that I no longer perform.
Fabulous prose, complex characters, beautifully translated but too long, too many characters to follow, what slot could possibly accommodate it?
Ah," Agnon said, to Bellow's amusement, "we have him beautifully translated into Hebrew.
Beautifully translated by Linda Coverdale, the book is metafiction in the largest, most generous sense.
It is beautifully translated to English by R K Narayan, one of India's greatest storytellers.
It is that tender, chiding, mutual affection which makes these beautifully translated letters between them so agreeable to read.
Beautifully translated by Tami Calliope, the novel remains an astonishing immersion in moral self-delusion.
In its respectfulness and its dense poetic asides, beautifully translated by Euan Cameron, this tremendous biography is also very French.
But here we have a beautifully translated anthology with some of the best Russian writers today - most of whom have not been published in English before.