He lived near the end of the street in a little red brick house which was always beautifully kept.
She brushed him away with a wave of one beautifully kept hand.
Beautifully kept - each one in its bit of cotton wool.
What an extremely airy house this is, and how beautifully kept!
Buy a couple of bags now, at 99 cents for 12 ounces, and store them in the freezer, where they keep beautifully.
The building is beautifully kept up, gaily bright, and entirely peaceful.
The major ones, in the western group, are in a beautifully kept park with paths leading easily from one to the other.
McNeil began to examine his beautifully kept fingernails with some attention.
They passed lovely homes, beautifully kept, landscaped within an inch of their lives.
There are More flowers and trees here than I ever imagined, all beautifully kept.