Of course I do not refer to beautiful sentiments, but to the higher truths relating to everyday life.
"And a beautiful sentiment," Troi said, insinuating herself between the captain and the chief councilman.
It¡ s a beautiful sentiment but many might confuse it with b?
And each Principle fully agreed with her beautiful sentiments, but work together they would not.
"What a beautiful sentiment," he said at last.
Everyone thought that was a beautiful sentiment.
"That's a very beautiful sentiment, Kimber," she had replied.
A beautiful sentiment, born of simpler times, back when basketball, at least, was still round.
And now may I ask you to control your beautiful sentiments, and sit down with the other gentlemen at this table.
A true conversion, a true Christ, is now, as always, to be made, by the reception of beautiful sentiments.