Although these plants are generally grown for their beautiful foliage, some will flower.
If beautiful foliage can be the star, consider hybrid phormiums.
The Ashoka is prized for its beautiful foliage and fragrant flowers.
Next morning, after the fire, I saw it again, all charred and blackened, with its beautiful foliage withered by the heat.
In the fall, cut back on the fertilizer and enjoy the beautiful foliage until bloom time comes round again.
The beautiful foliage with leathery texture, adds a pleasant contrast to the tank flora.
One of the prettiest aquarium lilies, with very beautiful foliage, worthwhile growing as a specimen plant.
Weekend drives to view the beautiful foliage is a must for people on the East Coast of the United States.
"Certainly, we depend on beautiful foliage," he said.
Ebenaceae are very resistant, rustic and ornamental trees by their beautiful foliage.