They had been married 30 years, and it was a very beautiful human artifact that would be thrown away otherwise.
A beautiful artifact, one that I am not often privileged to handle.
Mr. Avalos, at any rate, represents an interesting concept: that you don't necessarily have to do anything well or make beautiful artifacts to serve your art.
The Empire assumed control over the planet's three major industries- trading, mining, and the manufacture of curiously beautiful native artifacts.
Museum - the museum houses many beautiful ecclesiastical and scientific artifacts.
She is still one of the most beautiful artifacts ever made by Man.
The tunnel was the most beautiful artifact she had ever seen.
The dining room is tiny, with only eight seats, and adorned with beautiful African artifacts.
But among the returned objects are also hundreds of important and beautiful artifacts that have been prizes in museum collections.
And she beamed on the wiry little man who was entering the room, carrying yet another beautiful artifact to astound Luzon.