Above it he had placed a domed cap made of beaten metal.
The path to its base shines with beaten metal.
He abandoned the attempt only when he came to an overhanging wall of rock that was smooth as beaten metal.
The four of them rushed out of the area and into the blackness to find themselves suddenly in sunlight beneath a sky like beaten metal.
The sea was stippled now, like a sheet of black, beaten metal.
Glare burnished the ground like beaten metal for yards in each direction, and the trees on either side of the trail rippled with heat waves.
The flames of beaten metal shimmered and flared before my dimming vision.
"You are a possession, a thing, a piece of beaten metal!"
The boat was of beaten metal on which were many raised and asymmetrical designs.
One was of beaten metal, a sort of aluminium alloy with a modern fitted skin.