Beating continuously, slowly pour in the cream and creme fraiche; then beat in the vanilla sugar, orange-flower water and lemon peel.
Add sugar-milk solution slowly while beating continuously until smooth.
Beating continuously, gradually stir in enough milk to make a smooth mixture, the consistency of cream.
Abe's father would continuously violently beat Abe throughout his childhood.
-When the butter has melted, add the flour to the mixture all at once and beat continuously until the mixture has thickened and is smooth.
The human heart beats continuously from three weeks after conception until the moment of death - about three thousand million contractions.
Add the eggs one by one, beating continuously.
In this experiment the waves beat continuously all along the shore of the detector.
This is lined with inconspicuous cilia which beat continuously, drawing food inside the cell.
The heart always beats, and hence they also beat continuously and simultaneously with each other and with it.