It may not be enough to beat Chicago or Orlando in a seven-game series.
It's important for us to beat Chicago, Orlando or Indiana.
But if the Bulls do not beat Orlando, Chicago's fairy-tale season will be ruined.
"We were lucky to beat Orlando and I wasn't with them against Dallas," he said.
They beat Orlando (13-39) on the fast break and stomped them in the paint.
But so far, the moves have not had that much positive impact on a Knicks team that is 16-24 after beating Orlando last night.
Gary closed the gap in the championship to 9 points and was the only diver that could potentially beat Orlando going into the final event.
This ratings service that pits the stations one against another - Jacksonville beat Orlando - well, who cares?
"What we all realized is that we've got to play a lot better to beat Orlando," he said.
The Rockets have needed more than just Olajuwon to get this far, and they will need more to beat Orlando.