The Hurricanes, who beat Cincinnati, 57-3, last year, improved to 5-0.
Houston did it by beating Cincinnati, 21-17, yesterday.
But, because Atlanta beat Cincinnati, 8-2, the Mets are still three games ahead in the wild-card race.
So for the Mets, yesterday was a good day even before they went out and beat Cincinnati, 6-1.
Philadelphia beat Cincinnati and superstar Oscar Robertson three games to one.
We need to find one of those umpteen ways to beat Cincinnati.
Army won its first game, beating Cincinnati, 48-29.
That game, in which San Francisco beat Cincinnati, posted a 49.1 rating and had an average of 85.2 million viewers.
In the first, in 1995, Atlanta beat Cincinnati in the fourth game as well.
They won 12 games last season and then beat Cincinnati in the first round of the playoffs before Buffalo came along.