He then takes on the appearance of a beastly man.
Yet this beastly little man was capable of exquisite humor and tenderness.
After all, the beastly man had promised to uphold his end of the bargain, even as he released them from all obligations of theirs.
"Are you really to let that beastly man come with us?"
"I hope I never see the beastly man again," she told Horace through a mouthful of toothpaste.
But puny blows, the beastly man.
And all these things that are chasing us now, beastly men of leather - insect men, that come out of a nightmare!
I went to Angel Kitchens to make that beastly man give them back.
The beastly man leaning across, took her hand and held it and it's comforting clasp suddenly made her fright quite unimportant.
"One of Karl Yundt's friends - beastly old man."