The terrified beast swam desperately with its front feet, but its paralysed back legs anchored it so that it turned in small circles, bellowing and hissing with terror.
I suppose the beast can swim!
As Tarzan thrust his trident into the heart of a second antagonist, the remaining beasts swam away in defeat.
The two-headed beast had swum near without drawing my notice.
The great beast swam this way and that, doing everything he could to shake me loose.
The beasts can't swim, so Staal-Ysta has been a haven.
Then it was as if the skin was not enough to contain them, and our beasts swam through each of us.
What strange beasts once swum there?
Later in the day a sinuous twenty-foot beast swam after them, but fifty feet from the boat it seemed to lose interest and submerged.
Then swim the beasts over.