The beast staggered, stumbled a few steps, then got very angry.
This poor beast must have staggered for hundreds of yards before it finally collapsed.
The spears pressed at it and, though these were unable to penetrate the creature's bony hide, the beast staggered back.
Like a drunken giant, the great beast staggered blindly toward the marsh water.
Suddenly the beast closest to Balan staggered, dropping its sword and holding its head.
The little beast staggered directly toward a tallish boy with a shock of light brown hair.
The charging beast jerked, staggered clumsily to the side, fell down and rolled past them, into the back of the inn.
The beast staggered - and began to shrink, its muscles wasting away.
The beast staggered, and tried to right itself.
That poor beast staggered under a load consisting mostly of books and the tools of the librarian's trade.