Into the spike, the beast sent its vision, the telltale tracings of human-woven magic.
The beast struck Jim full on his shoulder and sent the astonished cab-horse rolling over and over, amid shouts of delight from the spectators, who had been horrified by the ungracious act he had been guilty of.
The beast roared in frustration, sent a blue bolt of lightning cracking over her head, and swung back in Galaeron's direction.
This beast can apparently receive and send vibrations of any lengths.
Hawks shoots arrows into Katahdin's hide until the beast sends him airborne with a mighty swat from her paws, then he lands on the ground, dead.
It was as if some great sleeping beast had turned on its side within the depths of the planet and by its mere mindless movements had sent ripples of terror rumbling through my soul, sensations of malaise far more powerful than anything I had felt up to now.
With a back-handed swipe, the monstrous beast sent Strybjorn tumbling through the air to crash to the ground almost ten strides away.
Never had I ridden so far, and so fast, fresh horses standing saddled and bridled for Thomas Scott and me at every stage, but the beast which I had hired I sent back from the first stage to mine host of the "Hanging Sword."
"I prayed that the beast wouldn't get him and send him to the hospital," Van de Velde said.
Baas," whispered Hans in a shaky voice, "that old spook beast is sending for his friends to kill us.