Above the valleys, great birds of prey swung; beasts still unknown to the Earthmen prowled in the depths of the deep forest, living and dying, and trees unheard crashed to the ground.
But the instincts of the wild were there, that had caused him in his childhood to lie hidden and silent while wild beasts prowled about his covert.
The Georgian's head swiveled as the beast prowled around the rover, peering at it--and its occupants--from all sides.
That great red beast was always prowling about, and at night surprised us in a field near the wood where we were feeding on some beautiful turnips.
The roar of engines swiftly softened and, with distance, changed into a throaty grumble, as if beasts from the Jurassic period prowled swamps in the purple dimness far below.
At the top, a beast prowled, flexing its wings in a dance of gestures, both bidding welcome and holding at bay.
Certainly the beasts were prowling the forest.
The beast prowled the camp, past men and the remains of men.
Not the deep forest, no, it was dark, trackless, a place where beasts and demons prowled: but the verge, where sunlight reached and you could gather nuts and berries.