He could feel the ground shake as the beasts lumbered aimlessly in the clearing by the stream.
At this gentle command, the beasts lumbered forward.
Hidden in the bushes, we watch the mighty beasts lumber one after the other through the jungle foliage.
He splashed down, and the beast lumbered toward him.
Leudast yelled himself hoarse as the big beasts lumbered forward.
As the rampaging beasts lumber into the streets of Rome, they smash cars and inflict massive damage to the city.
The beasts lumbered along at a speed surprising for their size.
She stepped forward again, and the beast raised itself up and lumbered toward her.
The great beast lumbered to his feet, straining at the chain around its neck.
The beast picked itself off the floor, leaning heavily on its staff, and lumbered from the courtroom and down the hallway.