Then as the games drew to a close, chariot racing reigned supreme, with wild beast hunts to vary the program.
Ever southward the beast hunted.
An example of a dragon's cunning is seen in the way the beast hunts: he/she waits, calculating which way a herd will turn before attacking.
These official games usually began with venationes (beast hunts) and bestiarii (beast fighting) gladiators.
Demons have been sent against you, sorcerous beasts have hunted you, a host of the Dead have come for you.
The beasts bred and hunted elsewhere, now, the progeny of the creatures which had survived.
The shadow of the grendel could be seen sliding around the bend as the beast hunted its false prey.
Taug saw him depart, and then, quite casually, the big beast hunted closer and closer to Teeka in his search for food.
Throughout his 40-year reign, Augustus presented eight gladiator shows in which a total of 10,000 men fought, as well as 26 staged beast hunts that resulted in the deaths of 3,500 animals.