The Scarecrow proposes manufacturing a flying beast called a Gump by which they can escape through the air.
There's a brown and red and gold beast called a roucaou; it's a bit like the famous rascasse which goes into the bouillabaisse, but larger.
Within the labyrinth lives a beast called the Minotaurus.
While the latter have undoubtedly had a powerful influence, we've tried to select movies that best reflect that amorphous beast we call Rock Culture.
Lord of the Jungle, the hero who stalks, The beasts call him brother, the ghost who walks!
The player controls a cube-shaped beast called a Cubivore, which eats other such beasts in order to mutate and become stronger.
There also exists a beast called a krashak which is described as to be a virtually immortal, indestructible mage-made construct.
"I think the first beast is calling to the others."
No beast called, no night-bird cried, nothing stirred on that dead and windless calm.
Bagabond knelt and examined the timbers trapping the beast as she called her friends to help her.