He said there were forests to the south so thick that little beasts called monkeys could live their whole lives in the trees, never touching the ground.
Some of the local animals are completely harmless, but beasts called krondirs, skrinns and warniaks make travel dangerous.
The children rode one and Cath perched on another, a huge beast called Dhomo.
Strange flying beasts called Reapers appear and begin consuming people.
Not from that relentless beast called history.
She is actually a type of demonic beast, called Vergest, and she is known to be the strongest among them all.
The beast called Toadkiller Dog believed that she had lost her powers.
There is, for example, a fossil beast called Mesosaurus.
The living beings hurt by such a man take the form of savage serpent-like beasts called rurus and torture this person.
We had only one mule left, an unfriendly beast called Estrelita.