These early efforts end in failure but, eventually, organizing bears fruit and Nimmo is elected MP largely by the evangelical vote.
His love for the developmentally disabled bears fruit in our mission to give hope to those for whom others have given up hope.
But the hunt is on, and if you keep to your plan, rejecting outward answers over and over, never giving up on your belief that the hidden goal is real, eventually your seeking bears fruit.
In the last act, however, the Venetians' plotting bears fruit: Fontinelle falls for Imperia, and Violetta has to resort to the standard Elizabethan bed trick to consummate her marriage.
The adoption by the Commission of the so-called package of guidelines, a package which jointly covers the broad economic policy guidelines and the guidelines for employment policies, is proof yet again that streamlining bears fruit.
I just hope the work I've been involved in bears fruit.