The producer's a bearish man, 6 feet tall, 220 pounds, who seems much older than his 35 years.
He kept surprising her, this bearish man with the rubbery face, dressed like a boy in khakis and an untucked shirt.
Mr. Melk, a bearish, gray-haired man, bought his own 5,800-square-foot apartment on the island in 1990, for $2.3 million.
The baron was a rough-featured, bearish man with a distinct family resemblance to his older cousin.
He reached over, this great bearish man, and pulled the High- lander close.
Mr. Bode, a gently bearish man who smiles easily and speaks in sound bursts, not bites, has a way with a phrase.
A bearish man, shoulders slumped, rubbing a fist into an eye and panting like a winded horse trying to catch its breath.
Elbryan let the boy down to Paulson's waiting grasp, and the ranger was touched by how gently the bearish man handled the youngster.
After a while, the man in the black ski suit turned away from the remains and spoke to the bearish man.
Garang is a bearish man in pressed camouflage fatigues, charming, smart, even funny.