Everyone remembered the bearded and likable captain who carried ekti deliveries to various Roamer depots.
As though taking Janice's identity at her word, the bearded captain didn't bother to look up as his hand thrust itself toward her, raising the envelope.
"Like me, my lieutenants do not like this," the bearded captain announced, talking mainly to Teldin.
The bearded captain raised his voice in mock conversation, quickly shifting the topic away from his plans.
Even as he did, the bearded captain shifted slightly and slashed at a baaz impeding his way.
Colonel," offered the bearded captain, "the squad leaders will show your companies what sections of the stables are assigned, and the barracks areas.
The four men quietly exited and walked down the hallway to a small conference room where the bearded captain had established his office.
Newman nodded, with a new respect for this very intense and businesslike bearded captain.
The tall, bearded captain shook Scott's hand, and as the two men spoke Kirk was surprised to realize that they knew each other, and had even worked together.
The bearded captain looked down.