A smiling brown bear wearing a striped t-shirt has his arm around a shorter policeman who is looking up at the animal.
The murderer tends to leave teddy bears dressed up like his victims; at one point a bear wearing Bullock's trademark beige trenchcoat appears.
Broxi is a brown bear with blue inner ears and nose, wearing a Rangers strip.
A large brown bear wearing a pair of overalls and with a spotted kerchief knotted around his neck.
I failed to see the statement in a 12-inch-long log of a pencil with a plastic bear wearing sunglasses.
A stuffed bear wearing a sweater in the appropriate camp colors costs $30.
Jackson also appeared, as a bear wearing sunglasses and a fedora.
Brown bears wearing muzzles did pretty much the same things with their tamers, though they seemed sad as they bounced on a trampoline.
There was a big bear wearing a crown on one of the floats, and I believe that he was king of the carnival.
A snowboarding leopard, a figure-skating bunny and a polar bear wearing a scarf will be the three mascots for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia.